Here are the highlights.
Dear Classes,
These notes are for you. Do not deviate from the plans. Also, enjoy working hard while I am not (working hard, that is).
With cold, unfeeling and remorseless love,
[Teacher's name]
Eng. 9B
Students Will:
A) Do everything 9A is doing
B) Try not to be your lame selves
Students Will:
A) Do work, son!
B) Obey, [student name]
C) Try not to behave like complete animals
Guided Academics
Students Will:
A) Behave: Or else!
B) Stay seated, silent, and composed
C) Try to not be the ridiculous middle-school students you are
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen that much straightforward snark from a teacher. I'm actually kind of impressed.